

Are there any limitations for non-Aruban citizens to own real estate in Aruba?
There are NO limitations. Anyone can own real estate in Aruba.

Is it necessary to have an attorney when purchasing real estate in Aruba?
It is optional to have an attorney; however, all real estate purchases go through a Government Licensed Notary which guarantees the transaction.

When I purchase real estate, should I put it in my own name or start a company?
Typically when purchasing real estate, clients put the properties on their own name. This is a matter that each client can consider discussing with their attorney, as it might be depended on each individual’s legal and tax situation.

When I purchase real estate, do I get a title or some other legal proof of ownership?
Yes. At closing of the deed, the notary will deliver you your title to the real estate property. The official document will be in Dutch, but the notary can explain it in English or Spanish.
Buying process
1.Signing of a preliminary Purchase & Sale agreement (P&S) with the owner of the property which contains the basic terms and conditions. The Seller is committed to sell the property after signing this agreement.
2.A Security Deposit of 10% of the selling price is usually required at signing of the P&S agreement.
3.In order to process the P&S agreement, the notary requires the following documents:
Copy of a valid identification card of the Buyer.
Complete information of sale form and personal data form.
Copy of the security deposit paid
Source of funds form
Closing expenses
The followings costs are for the account of the buyer:
1. Depending on the value of the property, the transfer tax is between 3% – 6%
2. The Notary fees varies from 0.5% – 1% of the purchase price

How much is the transfer tax for purchasing a property?
If the purchase/selling price is lower than US$140,449, the transfer tax is 3%, and above this price, the transfer tax is 6%.

Are there property taxes in Aruba?
Yes, owners have to pay real estate property tax each year. In Aruba we have property land and long lease land.
Lease land (Leasehold): You can purchase lease land or a home built on lease land (leasehold). Lease land belongs to Land Aruba is renewable every 60 years. The fixed annual fee depends on the location of the land.
Property land: The annual property land tax you have to pay is called ground tax and it is based on the purchase/selling price.

Do I need to pay income taxes in Aruba?
Unless you become an Aruban resident, you do not have to pay personal income taxes. If a real estate property belongs to a local or offshore company, then you do have to pay taxes.

Are there Capital Gain Taxes on Properties in Aruba?
No, not if it belongs to a personal identity (if a company sells a real estate property, it will have to pay taxes).

Can I insure my house in Aruba?
It is recommended to have any property insured and there are many types of property insurances. Please visit our inspiration page for insurance companies.

What are the average costs for utilities?
Water:Water is supplied by W.E.B. Aruba N.V. The average consumption per month is approximately US$82.00. Those who have more extensive landscaping and/or swimming pool consume approximately US$180 per month.
Electricity:Power is supplied to all homes at 60-Hertz frequency and at 110/220 volts, just like in the United States. The average consumption of power per month for a single family home is approximately$200.

What about telephone services and costs on the island?
Land line and cable services are provided by the national company, Setar N.V.
For cellular services, there are additional options subscribe at Digicel Aruba N.V. and Mio Aruba.
All three companies offer different packages to fit the needs of each individual client.

Where should I subscribe to obtain Internet?
Through Setar N.V. you can subscribe for either DSL (ASDL) or Wi-Fi internet connection. Unlimited use is at $55 per month.

Can I watch my usual TV?
Besides the three local channels, there are other options where you can subscribe to receive additional channels as in the United States.

What are the entry requirements for Aruba?
During your stay in Aruba as a tourist you are not allowed to work.
Persons who are considered a tourist are those who travel to Aruba for one of the following purposes: vacation and relaxation, sport, health reasons, family matters, study, religious purposes or a business visit.
Upon arrival in Aruba a tourist must have:
– A passport that is valid upon entry and for the duration of stay in Aruba. If the tourist holds a passport from a visa required country (list A), he must have a valid visa sticker in his passport;
– A completely filled-in and signed Embarkation and Disembarkation card (ED-card);
– A valid return- or onward ticket;
– The necessary documents for returning to the country of origin or to a country that he has the right to enter, for example a valid residence permit (temporary or permanent), a re-entry permit or a (entry) visa;
– If so requested, the tourist has to be able to prove to the satisfaction of the migration officer that he has a valid reservation for an accommodation in Aruba (e.g. hotel or apartment) or that he owns property in Aruba (a residence, condominium, apartment, timeshare apartment or a pleasure yacht moored in Aruba with a length of at least 14 meters measured on the water line);
– If so requested, the tourist has to be able to prove to the satisfaction of the migration officer to dispose of adequate financial means to provide for hotel expenses (if applicable) and living expenses during his stay or that he has a declaration of guarantee from a legal resident of Aruba.
The final authorization for admission to Aruba remains with the migration officer at the border-crossing/port of entry. The migration authorities at the border-crossing/port of entry have the authority to grant or refuse admission. Admission can be refused if not all admission requirements are fulfilled by the time of entering Aruba or if the tourist has been blacklisted.

What is the permissible duration of stay in Aruba?
The maximum period of time that a person can be admitted to Aruba as a tourist is 30 days. The total amount of days a person can stay in Aruba, as a tourist cannot exceed 180 days per year.

Can my stay be extended upon entry in Aruba?
Upon entry in Aruba, the following persons can apply for an extension of their stay for more than 30 days but not exceeding 180 days:
– Nationals of the Kingdom of the Netherlands can request an extension of their stay for up to 180 consecutive days;
– Nationals from the countries mentioned in list A and visa required persons who are exempt from the visa requirement, can request an extension of their stay for up to 180 consecutive days, if:
– They have property in Aruba, i.e. a house, condominium, apartment, time-share, apartment or a pleasure yacht moored in Aruba with a length of at least 14 meters measured from the water line. They must show proof of ownership of the property. For a stay of up to 180 days.
– If they don’t have property in Aruba, they must have a declaration of guarantee from a resident of Aruba who will act as guarantor for and be liable for any costs incurred during their stay.
All tourists who apply for an extension of their stay beyond 30 days are required to have travel insurance (medical and liability) valid for the duration of the extended stay.
If a tourist wants to stay longer then the number of days granted by the immigration officer on the ED-card upon admission, he or she can apply at the office of Dimas for an extension for up to 180 days if applicable. The form for a tourism stay extension is available at the office of the DIMAS and can also be downloaded from www.dimasruba.com
Afghanistan Ethiopia Mongolia Syria
Albania Fiji Montenegro Tajikistan
Algeria Gabon Morocco Tanzania
Angola Gambia Mozambique Thailand
Armenia Georgia Myanmar Togo
Azerbaijan Ghana Namibia Tonga
Bahrain Guinea Republic Nauru Turkmenistan
Bangladesh Guinee-Bissau Nepal Tunisia
Belarus Haiti Niger Turaku
Benin India Nigeria Turkey
Bhutan Indonesia North Korea Tuvalu
Bolivia Iran Northern Mariana Isl. Uganda
Bosnia-Herzegovina Iraq Oman Ukraine
Botswana Jamaica Pakistan United Arab Emirates
Burkina Faso Jordan Palau Uzbekistan
Burundi Kazakhstan Palestinian National Authority Vanuatu
Cambodia Kenya Papua New Guinea Vietnam
Cameroon Kiribati Peru Yemen
Cape Verde Islands Kuwait Philippines Zambia
Central Africa Rep. Kyrgyzstan Qatar Zimbabwe
Chad Laos Rwanda
China (People’s Rep.) Lebanon Russian Federation
Colombia Lesotho Samoa
Comoros Isl. Liberia Sao Tomé and Principe
Congo (Brazzaville) Libya Saudi Arabia
Congo (Kinshasa) Macedonia Senegal
Cote d’Ivoire Madagascar Sierra Leone
Cuba Malawi Serbia
Djibouti Maldives Solomon Islands
Dominican Republic Mali Somalia
East Timor Marshall Islands South Africa
Egypt Mauritania Sri Lanka
Equatorial Guinea Micronesia Sudan
Eritrea Moldova (Rep. of) Swaziland
The following persons, who normally require a visa, are exempt from this requirement:
– holders of a valid residence permit (temporary or permanent) from:
– another part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands;
– The United States of America;
– Canada
– The Schengen Territory
– United Kingdom
– Ireland

Is it possible to live and work in Aruba?
Yes. Persons who want to live and work on Aruba must have a valid residence permit from the Directorate of Alien Integration, Policy and Admission (DIMAS).
For any other questions, feel free to email us at info@mypropertyaruba.com or call us +297.525.2525